Birth and breastfeeding education
Your private education is tailored just for you and will include:
Discuss prior health history and anatomy as it may relate to breastfeeding
Discuss how birth choices/interventions can impact breastfeeding
What to expect in the first few weeks of baby’s life
Includes phone/text support for 2 weeks after baby is born
When to seek additional help
Access to Birth and Breastfeeding guides
Initial Breastfeeding visit
Your initial home visit consultation will include but is not limited to:
History of pregnancy, birth, and postpartum
Assessment of challenges and what is going well
Baby-before and after weights to measure milk transfer
Observation of baby feeding
Oral assessment of infant
Optional- Go over breast pump information-Fit for flanges
A personalized care plan to you and baby’s doctor
Superbill to submit to insurance (if self pay)
Follow up phone calls/text for 8 weeks following a visit
Access to Breastfeeding guide
breastfeeding Follow up
Discuss how your care plan was implemented and make adjustments as needed.
Baby-before and after weights to measure milk transfer
Ensure proper latch
PUMPing consult
Discuss how to prepare for returning to work or school
Create a custom pumping schedule based on your situation
Set up/test your pump and conduct a flange fitting
Review milk handling/storage guidelines and paced bottle feeding
the LACTATION network
Baby Mine is partnered with The Lactation Network who works with BCBS PPO, BCBS Anthem, Regence, and Cigna PPO/Open Access to cover up to 6 lactation visits. To see if your insurance qualifies go to Lactation Network and fill out the application.